carte blanche – BEST OF THE NET 2019 NOMINEES
We are pleased to announce our nominations for Best of the Net 2019! Congratulations and best of luck to all our carte blanche nominees.
Author: Greg Santos
Announcing the Longlist for the 2019 3Macs carte blanche Prize & Guest Judge Alessandra Naccarato !
The Hakawati and Me: The alarming inability to distinguish between the marginalised author and their fictional characters
I wonder sometimes if navigating the line between fiction and non-fiction and being steadily clear on which side of this line you’re on is a curse only authors of marginalized backgrounds and identities must balance on. The logic holds because, to my knowledge, non-marginalized authors are not asked about the truth in their fiction or the imagination in their memoirs: No one asks French-Canadian Booker winning author Yann Martel about his experiences living on a boat for 227 days with a tiger and a zebra. No one wonders if Elizabeth Gilbert inserted a bit of fiction into her memoir of eating pasta, practicing Shavasana, and drinking wine with a warm-blooded Latin lover.