Moments of crisis – whether in the form of global disasters or more personal catastrophes – change our lives. Following a crisis, we question our values, change our habits, reflect on the past, and rethink the future. What better way to do this than through story? Stories are built around crises: events, big and small, that transform those who live through them, real or fictional, and challenge the way we see the world.
Oil Spill – Crisis
Frames get dusty;
books are musty;
when a player turns
the pages of a score
there’s this crusty sound.
La Perruque
What else? I’ve forgotten my Klingon.
I open my mouth. Light pours through the dark
jigsaw of organs: the wrists of small birds totter upright.
What did I put
In my suitcase starting out?
Old scars and clever tricks,
Social misery and emotional demons,
Vices and fairy tales
FUSE (proseintopoem)
I am the worm in my woman’s head.
the worm in man’s writing.
the wormword or woman-man.
at the end of the day I was tired and wanted to not think
anymore and to not stare at anything anymore, just
maybe close my eyes and make out with someone but
there was no one to make out with, is this tragic or what;
When I Am Called to Stand
When I am called to stand
and give account of things,
heart, do not tell the whole story.