à la carte blog

Resilience, Empathy, Elegy, and Eco-Awareness in Meg Eden’s Drowning in the Floating World: A Book Review by Zoe Shaw

Resilience, Empathy, Elegy, and Eco-Awareness in Meg Eden’s Drowning in the Floating World: A Book Review by Zoe Shaw  Book Review: Meg Eden’s Drowning in the Floating World Meg Eden’s  [More…]

Call for Submissions: Issue 39 (Summer) – Anxiety

For Issue 39 – Summer, we at carte blanche want you to consider “anxiety” as a theme, and send us your best work of poetry, comics, translation, and photography. Submissions open on May 18, 2020 and close on July 1, 2020.

QWF Writes: Living and Writing in the Country

“We’re thinking of moving to the country,” I told mystery writer Louise Penny when I bumped into her at the Knowlton Literary Festival in 2010, adding that my husband and I weren’t sure if it was the right thing for our writing careers. Penny was enthusiastic: “Do it,” she said, “while you can!” A few months later, we bought a 200-year-old farmhouse in the tiny hamlet of Hatley.

For Penny, living in the country proved no hindrance to her career. Her depiction of the fictional village of Three Pines and the eccentric characters who inhabit it launched her to international success. Now on the sixteenth volume of her Inspector Gamache series, she has sold over six million books worldwide.