Call for Applications: Publicist

Currently, carte blanche is seeking an enthusiastic member to join the Montreal-based editorial team:

Publicist — the publicist would be in charge of social media and promotion of magazine issues, blog posts, events, and more. Demonstrated strategies for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook promotion required. The successful candidate will also support the Managing Editor with communication, and the organization and building of each of the annual three issues of carte blanche. Knowledge of WordPress, elementary coding, Photoshop, and Submittable is essential.

Call for Applications: Photography Editor!

Photography Editor – the editor works both independently and in collaboration with the editorial team to help steer the magazine forward. The successful candidate would lead the photography section of carte blanche for three issues per year (winter, spring/summer and fall). Their responsibilities would include evaluating all photography submissions received, organize submissions, and respond to photographers through Submittable. The candidate should have at least basic image editing skills, be familiar with contemporary fine art and photography, and have a good eye for narrative imagery. Read more →

QWF Writes: The Honeymoon Phase

Someone with two decades of experience getting critiques of their writing shouldn’t curl into a ball after an editor’s comments, right?

Then why, after receiving a developmental edit on my first attempt at a novel, did I find myself in such a pit of despair? (Yes, that pit, that ball; I was every cliché imaginable.)