it fell underneath me
it is falling over my wept breaths
my chest falls in breaths outside short breaths outside
all the lungs are falling outside collapsing snot
i don’t want to remember another time they pushed me
yesterday or know the feeling of how they pushed me yesterday
or how i threw myself away or how they forced it
i don’t want to study my breath from inside
my room or watch my chest fall & harden
fixed with breath caught & you
who watched me fall into memories
of trying & failing to recover how i once hoped
& looked away from myself my body a distant force
how my thighs around you from my choking around you
might have looked like a branch lost in a thicket was i here
were you here were they still here & now you
are watching me but i’m afraid to look
see myself soft in my own breath & cry
with promises of never & how to so you don’t
see how small i’ve been but see how big
i want to become, rebuild the pieces, operate on my own
chest & lungs & back & shoulders, weights
pulled off slowly, miss the heaviness, miss
the reminders that I am not
the lone brick left of a spent summer smelling of sunshine lilacs & pillow slobber
how stories told a thousand times turn into my own sorrow
because no one remembers months later how i still need to be held
because everyone forgets it happened and how to
remember the pain in stiff shoulders and gut rot anxiety
a tender new & blurry but still better than a choke hold
parts of my lungs managing to remember how to open & close
open & close,
open & close, breath into a poem
that is looking for forgiveness but doesn’t know
how to find it, breathing is counterintuitive,
when you breathe
in, your belly actually
pushes out.