Paid Literary Bloggers? Whaaaaaaaa?

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carte blanche seeks to expand its pool of bloggers in support of our regular literary magazine. We want writing that explores some aspect of literary and artistic culture in Montreal, Quebec, Canada or the wider world. You can feature an event, a trend, a movement, an anecdote, an experience or whatever you think might engage the public in a literary topic. Dug that poetry reading last night? Irritated at that famous writer’s new interview with Book Riot? Up in arms about a literary feud? Give us the skinny!

If you have an idea for a blog post, please send a brief two-to-four sentence synopsis before writing the piece to and we will get back to you within 48 hours to one week. If the synopsis is accepted, we will give you a deadline for the final piece (which should be between 200-700 words, just let us know if you think it may be longer).

Bloggers are paid $25 for each final post that is accepted & published. We know $25 isn’t enough, and we hope to increase it in the future. (We pay three times a year according to our standard publishing cycle; this means repeat bloggers will receive more inspiring cheques!).  We also ask bloggers with published pieces to share them through their own social media channels. Bloggers will also be tasked with finding an appropriate graphic/image for their posts.