We’re extremely proud to bring you yet another great issue of poetry, fiction, photography, graphic fiction, creative nonfiction, audio stories, and our carte blanche Q&A, as we come to the end of our eighth year of publishing.
Genre: Editor's Note
Editor’s Note
Last year we introduced themes to carte blanche, with a spring issue on crisis and a fall issue on obsessions. This spring, we opened the call for submissions to anything and everything, to give our writers carte blanche, as it were.
On Obsessions – Editor’s Note
The word obsessions often comes with negative connotations. It’s not healthy to have obsessions (think OCD, hoarders, or stalkers). But where would we be without them?
On Crisis – Editor’s Note
Moments of crisis – whether in the form of global disasters or more personal catastrophes – change our lives. Following a crisis, we question our values, change our habits, reflect on the past, and rethink the future. What better way to do this than through story? Stories are built around crises: events, big and small, that transform those who live through them, real or fictional, and challenge the way we see the world.