TCAF RECAP: Feeling the Love by Georgia Webber

In the wake of the 10th anniversary of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, I declare that there is a new stereotype in town. Wait! I know, stereotypes are bad… But hear me out with this one, if only to curse me with accurate citations when you’re done reading.

What not to expect when you’re expecting by Andrea Stanford

Andrea Stanford tells the story of how her upstairs neighbours ruined her Type A pregnancy planning. She told her story at This Really Happened at the Blue Metropolis Montreal International Literary Festival on April 26, 2013.

Introducing “Comics” by Georgia Webber

“Comics” summons flashes of Archie and Sunday newspaper strips, or superheroes saving first world society from certain peril. “Graphic novels,” on the other hand, recalls quirky autobiographical tomes of adolescent ennui. Truth be told, comics can be all of those things, and more, but never by definition.