New Blog Editor/Communications Manager: Erin Lindsay

Erin Lindsay

There’s more than one way to tell a story.

I responded immediately to carte blanche’s philosophy.

I see this statement as an invitation for hybridity and experimentation. I see this statement as one that is inclusive and open. In this statement, I see the call for a vibrant literary and arts ecology- a community enriched by a diversity of forms, genres, and perspectives. I deeply understand this call. I want to be a part of this vision.

An interdisciplinary feminist writer, my roots are in voice and theatre/performance. These art forms consistently inform and intersect with my writing practice (more than one way to tell a story).

As a writer, I have been predominantly writing plays and poetry although I am exploring fiction as well.

As an individual with a background in communications for arts organizations, I believe that online communities and digital platforms can be used in ways that are novel, interconnected, and driven by artistry and storytelling.

I think digital storytelling, across all online platforms, can play a crucial role in contributing to the evolution of a literary arts landscape that advocates for accessibility and that explores new modes of interacting with narrative.

I am very excited to collaborate with this incredible team, one that is artist-driven, community-oriented, and committed to the health, sustainability, and growth of artists and readers.

I love words and stories with all of my tender guts, and I feel honoured and excited to be a part of this team!


Erin Lindsay is a Montreal-based writer who has worked for 7 years with non-profit arts organizations across Montreal. She has a background in Communications, Theatre and Ethics, and is currently enrolled in her MFA in Creative Writing. She is proud to be an Artist in Residence at Imago Theatre where she is working on an interdisciplinary play. You can read more of Erin’s work on her website at or her Instagram, @crowlake. Erin believes that stories can shift paradigms and change the world.